Saturday, August 1, 2020

Staying Ready and Alert for Possibilities

Staying Ready and Alert for Possibilities

Learning from a new life~
how each moment is fresh and potent with possibility.
An open book, a tassel on a blanket,
 a cell phone, a finger poking a soft belly.

When did we stop looking at each moment?
How do we recapture wonder, amazement
and gifts of grace
that come naturally to us?

Little one, you have your eyes wide open.
You are alert and playful,
sleepy at times with half open eyes
that come awake and bound at the slightest

May we too bring that wide eyed alertness,
that ability to awaken to new growth
and to sleep with the slumbers of
one who has found a new home, 
a new place in this world.

    With the advent of our new feline arrival, I am learning or perhaps relearning being awake and ready.  I sense that this new kitten has much to teach us as we nurture and open our hearts to a new being in our family. And our cat who has been with us for three years is reminding us to remember the relationships that we have nurtured before; to know that some things take time to develop. Relationships don't always come naturally. Sometimes there is a little hissing and fretting how something new might replace us or affect our place in the universe.  All of nature has so much to teach. I am humbly taking in the lessons that the interdependent web is teaching me. I hope you are too.

Blessings this day!
Rev. Susan 


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