Saturday, August 22, 2020

Through the Thick of It


Through the Thick of It

These tiny creatures spotted out at Harris Neck Wildlife Refuge are in the thick of it-in the quagmire of mud which is the bird's natural habitat and in the woods where the armadillo forages for tasty tidbits.  In the sudden startling of tree limbs falling or armadillos scurrying out of the ground cover, I am awakened to this moment, this time, this space.  Here, nestled near those of such different species, we wade through our habitat as best we can. We check for nurture and sustenance. We seek a space that is home to others of our species or we sink down in quiet isolation for safety, serenity and rest.  

Cicadas sing. Frogs echo their clear throated wisdom lined up around a fountain long since gone into decay, covered in algae and greened with life still, devoid of humans now.  Peace reverberates, seeks me out. And I call to Peace--"where have you been in the midst of our longing, in the midst of our unrest and the turmoil that surrounds humankind? " And Peace responds, "I have been here all along. You have ignored me these months, preoccupied as you are with human frailties and human disregard for one another and the earth. Still, I am here--silently like a clear, crisp note that takes root in your soul. Find me as often as you shall for I will abide with you if you simply seek me out--in the thick of it."


Rev. Susan

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